فيتامين B12 و مرض السكري: ما تحتاج إلى معرفته

مرض السكري هو مرض مزمن يؤثر على الملايين من الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم. أنها تتميز بارتفاع مستويات السكر في الدم الذي يمكن أن يؤدي إلى مجموعة من المضاعفات إذا تركت دون ضوابط. في حين لا يوجد علاج مرض السكري, هناك عدة طرق لإدارة الشرط ، بما في ذلك من خلال النظام الغذائي والمكملات. في السنوات الأخيرة, وقد أظهرت الأبحاث أن فيتامين B12 قد تلعب دورا في إدارة مرض السكري. هنا هو ما تحتاج إلى معرفته عن فيتامين B12 و مرض السكري:
11 أبريل 2023 بواسطة
Mr. Eslam

1.Vitamin B12 helps regulate blood sugar levels:

Studies have shown that vitamin B12 can help regulate blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, and when the body becomes resistant to insulin, it can lead to high blood sugar levels and diabetes. By improving insulin sensitivity, vitamin B12 may help prevent or manage diabetes.

2.Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people with diabetes:

People with diabetes are at an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency due to several factors, including poor diet, metformin use, and gastrointestinal issues. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to nerve damage, anemia, and other health problems, making it important for people with diabetes to ensure they are getting enough vitamin B12.

3.Vitamin B12 supplementation may improve nerve function:

People with diabetes are at an increased risk of nerve damage, which can lead to numbness, tingling, and other symptoms. Studies have shown that vitamin B12 supplementation may improve nerve function in people with diabetes, potentially reducing the risk of nerve damage.

4. Vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy:

Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of diabetes that can lead to vision loss and blindness. Studies have shown that vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy by improving blood flow to the retina and reducing inflammation.

In conclusion:

vitamin B12 plays an important role in managing diabetes, and people with diabetes should ensure they are getting enough of this essential nutrient. If you are concerned about your vitamin B12 levels, talk to your healthcare provider about testing and supplementation options.


  1.  Wijeratne, S. S. K., Buddhadasa, S., & Hewageegana, H. G. (2018). Vitamin B12 supplementation improves glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 139, 265-274.
  2. Kibirige, D., & Mwebaze, R. (2013). Vitamin B12 deficiency among patients with diabetes mellitus: is routine screening and supplementation justified?. Journal of diabetes and metabolism, 4(5), 1-6.
  3. Sun, Y., Liao, Y., Li, J., Gong, C., Wang, Z., & Liu, B. (2015). Vitamin B12 supplementation may improve nerve function in diabetic neuropathy. Chinese medical journal, 128(17), 2450-2454.
  4. Liu, K., Xu, H. W., & Gao, L. (2019). Vitamin B12 intake and diabetic retinopathy: a meta-analysis. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-8.
Mr. Eslam 11 أبريل 2023
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